“Love of God and Love of the Neighbour or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbour”
World Interfaith Harmony Week is a UN Observance which takes place during the first week of February each year.
“Love of God and Love of the Neighbour or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbour” is the message of harmony found in all sacred teachings of authentic religions and spiritualities.
The message includes everyone, excludes no one, and participation in observing the World Interfaith Harmony Week is purely voluntary.
A celebration of this important annual interfaith week, was held on February 1 in Melbourne. Rev Swami Sridharananda, President of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Centres of Australia and New Zealand, and Aunty Helen Bnads, Coordinator of Local Government and Community Engagement with Reconciliation Victoria, shared the meaning of the common message from the perspectives of their traditions.
Master didgeridoo musician, Ron Murray, opened the formal proceedings with traditional indigenous music and Mr Chin Tan, Chair, Victorian Multicultural Commission, welcomed over 90 religious, spiritual and community leaders, from diverse communities.
We celebrated by gathering together, strengthening our ties, sharing news of our interfaith activities and our future plans, by meeting new friends and creating new partnerships.
The Morning Tea celebration took place in Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, Melbourne, and was hosted by The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne together with the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, the Islamic Council of Victoria, Religions for Peace Australia and the Australian Multicultural Foundation.