UN International Day of Peace, Tuesday, 21 September 2010.
The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne and St Michael’s Uniting Church, invite you to join us for a time of chant, meditation and private prayer, creating a shift in global consciousness, starting with the self.
12 Noon ‘A Million Minutes for Peace’
Please join us wherever you are, at home, at work or in your place of worship, with people from 114 countries to Pray for Peace in your own way. In Melbourne, the Carillion at St Michael’s Uniting Church will sound at Noon. Please note that Mingary, at St Michael’s, will be open for prayer and meditation throughout the day.
5.00pm – 6.30pm Special Event: Meditation, Music and Chant for Peace
With The Gyuto Monks of Tibet
The Gyuto Monks are the unique masters of deep harmonic overtone chanting. Trained for many years, each monk has the capacity to chant in three octaves at once. The sound is reputed to have a transformative effect on the physical as well as the emotional body. The Gyuto Monks have been coming to Australia annually since 1994. They are practitioners of kindness and compassion and encourage the practice of their wisdom in our daily lives.
And Brahma Kumaris Musicians
David Jones, world renowned master musician, and Carmen Warrington, meditation artist, practise Brahma Kumaris meditation techniques in their performances and recordings. The meditative music and soothing guided meditations enable a journey deeper into our own inner peace and power. David and Carmen were commissioned by the ABC to create a series of meditation CDs.
Where: St Michael’s Uniting Church
Corner Russell and Collins Streets,
Refreshments to follow in St Michael’s Hall
Free event ~ Donations welcome
Enquiries: The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne Ph: 03-9650 7163
Email: Use our contact page
A flyer is available for this event.
Click the image below to download the flyer.